June 2023: Hi everyone,
I'm happy that people seem to be using this tool, but there will be changes soon.
First, I recently sold the domain to a nice guy who is going to do something fun with it so this content will to move to a new place. For now, it will stay here on http://frostgrave.pythonanywhere.com/
Second, there will be a complete redesign with more functionality and a similar tool for Stargrave as well. We will also use the new site for organizing in-person Frostgrave/Stargrave events in Germany and possibly the UK.
P.S.: Do you enjoy this tool? Buy me a beer!
Note: I am using material copyrighted by Osprey Publishing (part of Bloomsbury) without their permission.
If you are the copyright holder and deem the use of the monster stats or book covers improper, do not hesitate to contact me and I will make modifications accordingly.